There may be trademarks that are not in our database that have rights over yours. Check other sources, such as state trademark databases and . US Serial, Registration , or Reference No. International Registration No.
You can search for trade marks by:. To conduct a online trademark search you need to start by heading to USPTO. Bu sayfanın çevirisini yap The simplest way to register is on the U. Before completing the online registration form, check the . Fees for Registration , Recordation, and Other services. Archive of Briefs and Legal Opinions.
Legal guidance on questions of copyright law. Statutory Licensing. Enables both basic and advanced (structured) searching on registered trademarks and applications.
Patent searching is an often time-consuming and complicated process that may require. Parent agency : U. Full search is our gold standard . Protect your bran business, logo and products name with US trademark registration services at Vakilsearch. Enter your search criteria in the text box. Select a search field using the available dropdown selection. Information on how to register a Federal trademark and . Supplemental Register.
This page is accessible solely to INTA members. Free Comprehensive Search. NOTE: It is not mandatory to hire an attorney as .